Index to The Bradford Era Obituaries 1935-1995
In Memory of Larry Richmond
- You will be redirected to the McKean County, PA page on the US GenWeb by clicking the above link. Please return to this page and read instructions below to obtain copies.
The full image of the obituary is NOT available on-line
- Price Per Obituary: $5.00
- Maximum Number of Obituaries per Request: 4
- When Can Additional Requests be Made if I Want More Than 4? 2 Weeks
- How Do I Pay? Check or Money Order
- Made Payable To? Bradford Landmark Society
- Where Do I Mail My Payment? PO Box 1021, Bradford PA 16701
- How Will I Receive The Obituaries? Printed copies via U.S. Mail. Be sure we have your mailing address.
- What if I don't find a name on the Obituary Index? If you believe an obituary was printed in The Bradford Era for your individual (in the range of 1878 - current), please contact us with name(s) and date(s) before sending payment. We will look for your individual(s) and advise.
- How Long Will It Take to Receive My Copy(ies)? It depends on the number of requests currently being handled. We strive for no longer than 3 weeks turn-around time.
- Submit an obituary request: queries@bradfordlandmark.org
- There are known issues with this index such as misspellings and omission of individuals whose obituaries appeared on the front page. This index was started as a personal project for in-house use only. When internet genealogical research became popular, the decision was made to place this index on our website despite its shortcomings. The index had been through many transitions up to that point, Commodore 64 to Windows 95 and Windows 98, and Windows XP. When updating from our old website to the current website, we found we were unable to transfer the index. We didn't have a complete copy available in our archives. Fortunately, the McKean County page on the US GenWeb had a copy in place on their site and they have graciously allowed us to link to that page.
- It is our intention to gather the remnants of the index existing on several PCs, floppy disks, and flash drives, put them back together, make corrections and additions, and ultimately post the entire index directly on this site. As is often the case with volunteer organizations, we lack the hours and occasionally the expertise to accomplish this. Anyone in the Bradford, PA area with experience in data entry using Microsoft Excel, willing to spend a significant amount of time looking through our newspapers and microfilm at the public library and proofreading is greatly needed to make this project come to fruition. Please contact us.
- This index is not to be used, nor was intended to be used, as legal proof of a death, spelling of names, age, residence, etc. For any individual we have offended due to the mistakes and omissions in this index, we apologize.
An example of data that will be added to the index:
1922 Obituaries